Phillip UT Regular Saving Plan


Low Investment amount,
as low as HKD$1,000 each month
No brokerage and subscription fee:
Various choices of Fund:
more than 100 hundred


Comparison of Monthly saving Plan


General UT Saving Plan

New UT Monthly Saving Plan

Minimum (HKD)

1,000 1,000

Subscription Fee

2% 0%

Fund Price of A

10 10

Unit of Fund purchased

=98 Units


How can I start My Unit Trust Regular Savings Plan (UTRSP)?

Login POEMS > Choose "SBP" & "Fund Saving Plan". Click here for more instruction. Or
Fill in physical UTRSP form by downloading the form and handle it through mail, e-mail or fax.

Are there any handling fees for UTRSP subscription?

There are no handling fees imposed by Phillip Securities (HK) Limited#[2] [3].

What is the minimum monthly subscription amount for UTRSP

You can start your Monthly Investment Plan for Funds with monthly investment amount as low as HKD1,000 per fund. If the monthly RSP contribution exceed HK$25,000 or its equivalent in foreign currencies, the excess part of contribution will be charged for subscription fee (calculated at 0.75%).

Am I able to change my UTRSP monthly subscription amount? If yes, are there any charges?

You are able to change your UTRSP subscription amount whenever. And there are no charges.

What will happen to my unit holdings after my UTRSP has been stopped?

Your holdings will remain unchanged. You may retain them as a long-term investment.

How Phillip Securities deduct money monthly for UTRSP Plan?

There are 2 payment methods are available:
1) Debit from your Phillip Securities account;
2) Through Direct Debit Instruction (DDI) which deduct money from your bank account.

Any selection of investment funds is available for UTRSP?

UTRSP fund list can be downloaded from POEMS>SBP>Regular Saving Plan.

#Terms and Conditions:
1. To avail of the 0% subscription fee for the UT RSP, a minimum monthly investment of HKD1,000 per fund is required.
2. If the monthly UT RSP contribution exceeds HKD25,000 (or its equivalent in a foreign currency), the excess will be subject to a subscription fee (calculated at 0.75%).
3. All fees charged by the relevant fund (including switching fees, redemption fees, management fees, and other fees) will continue to apply.
4. All other securities account administrative fees will continue to apply.
5. You must ensure that there are sufficient funds available in the designated securities account to pay the monthly investment contributions. Any shortfall in the account will attract additional interest charges.
6. Due to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Phillip Securities (Hong Kong) Limited (the Company) is unable to check the status of Direct Debit Instruction (DDI) approval from your bank. Please submit the Direct Debit Authorization application form (original) to the payment bank. Once you receive the confirmation notice from the bank, please contact the Company to initiate the DDI service for the following. If the DDI is terminated, the Company must receive a written notice of at least five working days before the transfer date.
7. The Company will not issue any notice relating to the success of the Direct Debit service. If the Direct Debit for any relevant month is unsuccessful, the Company shall charge a handling fee of HKD100.
8. If the Company fails to deduct the contributions from the designated securities account on the settlement date for two consecutive periods, the Company has the right to terminate the plan immediately without prior notice.
9. The above plan does not provide redemption services. You may redeem the funds via the POEMS online platform or through contacting your Account Executive.
10. The above products and services are subject to the relevant terms and conditions.
11. The Company reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time without notice and the initial promotional offer maybe withdrawn by the Company at its discretion without prior notice.
12. In case of any dispute, the decision of the Company shall be final and conclusive.
13. In case of discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions of these Terms and Conditions, the English version shall apply and prevail.




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